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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Chloroplast and Endosymbiosis


"Chloroplast use light to generate ATP and Sugars"

Plant cells and cells of other eukaryotic organisms that carry out 
photosynthesis typically contain from one to several hundred 
chloroplasts. Chloroplasts use light to generate ATP and sugars. 
This bestows an obvious advantage on the organisms that possess 
them: They can manufacture their own food. Chloroplasts contain 
the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll, which gives most plants 
their green color.
                                 The chloroplast, like the mitochondrion, is surrounded by 
two membranes (figure below). However, chloroplasts are larger and 
more complex than mitochondria. In addition to the outer and 
inner membranes, which lie in close association with each other, 
chloroplasts have closed compartments of stacked membranes 
called  grana(singular,granum), which lie inside the inner 
A chloroplast may contain a hundred or more grana, and 
each granum may contain from a few to several dozen disk-shaped 
structures called thylakoids. On the surface of the thylakoids are 
the light-capturing photosynthetic pigments.Surrounding the thylakoid is a fluid matrix 
called the stroma. The enzymes used to synthesize glucose during 
photosynthesis are found in the stroma.
    Like mitochondria, chloroplasts contain DNA, but many 
of the genes that specify chloroplast components are also 
located in the nucleus. Some of the elements used in photosynthesis, including the specific protein components necessary to 
accomplish the reaction, are synthesized entirely within the 
                    Other DNA-containing organelles in plants, called 
leucoplasts, lack pigment and a complex internal structure. In 
root cells and some other plant cells, leucoplasts may serve as 
starch-storage sites. A leucoplast that stores starch (amylose) is 
sometimes termed an amyloplast. These organelles—
chloroplasts, leucoplasts, and amyloplasts—are collectively 
called plastids. All plastids are produced by the division of 
existing plastids.


"Mitochondria and Chloroplasts arose by Endosymbiosis"
     Symbiosis is a close relationship between organisms of different 
species that live together. The theory of endosymbiosis proposes 
that some of today’s eukaryotic organelles evolved as a consequence of a symbiosis arising between two cells that were originally each free-living. One cell, a prokaryote, was engulfed by and 
became part of another cell, which was the precursor of modern 
eukaryotes (figure ).
Possible origins of eukaryotic cells. Both 
mitochondria and chloroplasts are thought to have arisen by 
endosymbiosis, whereby a free-living cell is taken up but not 
digested. The nature of the engulfing cell is unknown. Two 
possibilities are shown. The engulfing cell (top) is an archaean 
that gave rise to the nuclear genome and cytoplasmic contents. 
The engulfing cell (bottom) consists of a nucleus derived from an 
archaean in a bacterial cell. This could arise by a fusion event or 
by engulfment of the archaean by the bacterium.

                       According to this endosymbiont theory, now widely accepted 
by biologists, the engulfed prokaryotes provided their hosts with 
certain advantages associated with their special metabolic abilities. Eventually many of the genes of the prokaryote transferred to 
the host eukaryotic chromosome.
          Two key eukaryotic organelles are believed to be the descendants of these endosymbiotic prokaryotes: mitochondria, which 
are thought to have originated as bacteria capable of carrying out 
oxidative metabolism, and chloroplasts, which apparently arose 
from photosynthetic bacteria.