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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cytoskeleton,Flagella and Cilia


Eukaryotic cells can take on an amazing array of shapes, from 

neurons with projections running from your spinal cord to your 

toes to skin cells that appear as compact, elongated cubes. This 
flexibility of shape is made possible by a complex internal skeleton, a structure made even more impressive by the cell’s ability to 
reorganize portions of it, depending on the cell’s needs.
"Cytoskeleton is composed of three types of  proten fibers"
                                 The cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells is crisscrossed by a network of three kinds of protein fibers that support the shape of the cell and anchor organelles to fixed locations. This network, 

called the cytoskeleton, is a dynamic system, constantly assembling and disassembling. Individual fibers consist of polymers of 
identical protein subunits that attract one another and spontaneously assemble into long chains. Fibers disassemble in the same 
way, as one subunit after another breaks away from one end of 
the chain.

Actin Filaments (microfilaments)

Actin filaments are long fibers about 7 nm in diameter. Each 

filament is composed of two protein chains loosely twined 

together like two strands of pearls. Each “pearl,” or subunit, on 
the chain is the globular protein actin. Actin filaments exhibit 
polarity; that is, they have plus (+) and minus (-) ends. These 
designate the direction of growth of the filaments. Actin molecules spontaneously form these filaments, even in a test tube. 
Cells regulate the rate of actin polymerization through other 
proteins that act as switches, turning on polymerization 
when appropriate.
                                 Microfilaments are 

thin, linear structures, first observed distinctly in 
muscle cells, where they are responsible for the 
ability of a cell to contract. They are made of a 
protein called actin. Several dozen other proteins are known that bind with actin and determine its configuration and behavior in particular 
cells. One of these is myosin, whose interaction with actin causes contraction in muscle and 
other cells. Actin microfilaments provide 
a means for movement of molecules and organelles through the cytoplasm, as well as movement 
of messenger RNA  from the nucleus to 
particular positions within the cytoplasm. Actin and actin-binding 
proteins are also important in movement of vesicles between the 
ER, Golgi complex, and plasma membrane or lysosomes.see figure


Microtubules, the largest of the cytoskeletal elements, are hollow tubes about 25 nm in diameter, each composed of a ring of 

13  protein protofilaments. Globular proteins consisting of 

dimers of α- and β-tubulin subunits polymerize to form the 
13 protofilaments. The protofilaments are arrayed side by side 
around a central core, giving the microtubule its characteristic 
tube shape.
                      Microtubules are in a constant state of flux, continually 

polymerizing and depolymerizing. The average half-life of a 
microtubule ranges from as long as 10 minutes in a nondividing 
animal cell to as short as 20 seconds in a dividing animal cell. 
The ends of the microtubule are designated as plus (+; away 
from the nucleation center) or minus (−; toward the nucleation 
                Microtubules play a vital role in moving chromosomes toward daughter cells during cell division, and they are important in 
intracellular architecture, organization, and transport. In addition, 
microtubules form essential parts of the structures of cilia and flagella.

Centrosomes are microtubule -organizing centers

Centrioles are barrel-shaped organelles found in the cells of 
animals and most protists. They occur in pairs, usually located 
at  right angles to each other near the nuclear membranes 

Centrioles: Each centriole is composed of nine triplets of microtubules. Centrioles are usually not found in plant 

cells. In animal cells they help to organize microtubules.

The region surrounding the pair in almost all animal 
cells is referred to as a centrosome. Surrounding the centrioles in 
the centrosome is the pericentriolar material, which contains ring-shaped structures composed of tubulin. The 
pericentriolar material can nucleate the assembly 
of microtubules in animal cells. Structures 
with this function are called microtubule-organizing centers. The centrosome is also 
responsible for the reorganization of microtubules that occurs during cell division. 
The centrosomes of plants and fungi lack 
centrioles but still contain microtubule-organizing centers.

Intermediate Filaments

The most durable element of the cytoskeleton is a system of tough, 

fibrous protein molecules twined together in an overlapping 

arrangement. These intermediate filaments are characteristically 
to 10 nm in diameter—between the sizes of actin filaments and 
microtubules. Once formed, intermediate filaments are stable and 
only rarely break down.
                                           Intermediate filaments constitute a mixed group of 

cytoskeletal fibers. The most common type, composed of 
protein subunits called vimentin, provides structural stability 
for many kinds of cells.keratin, another class of intermediate 
filament, is found in epithelial cells (cells that line organs 
and  body cavities) and associated structures such as hair 
and fingernails.

The Cytoskeleton Helps Move Materials Within the Cell

Actin filaments and microtubules often 

orchestrate their activities to affect cellular processes. For example, during cell 

reproduction, newly 
replicated chromosomes move to opposite sides of a dividing cell because 
they are attached to shortening microtubules. Then, in animal cells, a belt of 
actin pinches the cell in two by contracting like a purse string.
                                  Muscle cells also use actin filaments, 
which slide along filaments of the motor protein 
myosin when a muscle contracts. The fluttering of an eyelash, the 
flight of an eagle, and the awkward crawling of a baby all depend 
on these cytoskeletal movements within muscle cells.
Not only is the cytoskeleton responsible for the cell’s shape 
and movement, but it also provides a scaffold that holds certain enzymes and other macromolecules in defined areas of the 
cytoplasm. For example, many of the enzymes involved in cell 
metabolism bind to actin filaments, as do ribosomes. By moving 
and anchoring particular enzymes near one another, the 
cytoskeleton, like the endoplasmic reticulum, helps organize the 
cell’s activities.
Molecular Motors
                    All eukaryotic cells must move materials from one place to another 
in the cytoplasm. One way cells do this is by using the channels of 
the endoplasmic reticulum as an intracellular highway. Material can 
also be moved using vesicles loaded with cargo that can move along 
the cytoskeleton like a railroad track. For example, nerve cells have 
long projections that extend away from the cell body. Vesicles can 
move along tracks from the cell body to the end of the cell.
                           Four components are required to move material along 
microtubules: (1) a vesicle or an organelle that is to be transported, 
(2) a motor protein that provides the energy-driven motion, (3) a 
connector molecule that connects the vesicle to the motor molecule, and (4) microtubules on which the vesicle will ride like a 
train on a rail (figure).

  Molecular motors:Vesicles can be 

transported along microtubules using motor proteins that use 
ATP to generate force. The vesicles are attached to motor 
proteins by connector molecules, such as the dynactin complex 
shown here. The motor protein dynein moves the connected 
vesicle along microtubules.
                         The direction a vesicle is moved depends on the type of 
motor protein involved and the fact that microtubules are organized with their plus ends toward the periphery of the cell. In one case, a protein called kinectin binds vesicles to the motor protein 
kinesin. Kinesin uses ATP to power its movement toward the cell 
periphery, dragging the vesicle with it as it travels along the 
microtubule toward the plus end. As nature’s tiniest motors, these 
proteins pull the transport vesicles along the microtubular tracks. 
Another set of vesicle proteins, called the dynactin comples
binds vesicles to the motor protein dynein , which directs movement in the opposite direction 
along microtubules toward the minus end, inward toward the 
cell’s center. (Dynein is also involved in the movement of 
eukaryotic flagella. The 
destination of a particular transport vesicle and its content is 
thus determined by the nature of the linking protein embedded 
within the vesicle’s membrane.
Eukaryotic Cells Use Cytoskeletal Elements to Crawl or Swim
Essentially all cell motion is tied to the movement of actin filaments, microtubules, or both. Intermediate filaments act as intracellular tendons, preventing excessive stretching of cells. Actin 
filaments play a major role in determining the shape of cells. 
Because actin filaments can form and dissolve so readily, they 
enable some cells to change shape quickly.
        The arrangement of actin filaments within the cell cytoplasm allows cells to crawl, literally! Crawling is important within 
your own body, essential to such diverse processes as inflammation, clotting, wound healing, and the spread of cancer. White 
blood cells, in particular, exhibit this ability. Produced in the bone 
marrow, these cells are released into the circulatory system and 
then eventually crawl out of venules and into the tissues to destroy 
potential pathogens.
                                       At the leading edge of a crawling cell, actin filaments rapidly polymerize, and their extension forces the edge of the cell 
forward. This extended region is stabilized when microtubules 
polymerize into the newly formed region. Overall forward movement of the cell is then achieved through the action of the protein 
myosin, which is best known for its role in muscle contraction. 
Myosin motors along the actin filaments contract, pulling the contents of the cell toward the newly extended front edge.
                      Cells crawl when these steps occur continuously, with a 
leading edge extending and stabilizing, and then motors contracting to pull the remaining cell contents along. Receptors on the cell 
surface can detect molecules outside the cell and stimulate extension in specific directions, allowing cells like white blood cells to 
move toward particular targets.
Flagella and Cilia Aid Movement
Many protists use flagella to swim. Eukaryotic cells have a completely different kind of flagellum, consisting of a circle of nine 
microtubule pairs surrounding two central microtubules. This 
arrangement is referred to as the 9 + 2 structure (figure).
Flagella and cilia: A eukaryotic flagellum 
originates directly from a basal body. The flagellum has two 
microtubules in its core connected by radial spokes to an outer 
ring of nine paired microtubules with dynein arms (9 + 2 
structure). The basal body consists of nine microtubule triplets 
connected by short protein segments. The structure of cilia is 

similar to that of flagella, but cilia are usually shorter.

                            As pairs of microtubules move past each other using arms 
composed of the motor protein dynein, the eukaryotic flagellum 
undulates, rather than rotates. When examined carefully, each 
flagellum proves to be an outward projection of the cell’s interior, 
containing cytoplasm and enclosed by the plasma membrane. The 
microtubules of the flagellum are derived from a basal body,
situated just below the point where the flagellum protrudes from 
the surface of the cell.
                                       The flagellum’s microtubular structure evolved early in the 
history of eukaryotes. Today the cells of many multicellular and 
some unicellular eukaryotes no longer possess flagella and are nonmotile. Other structures, called cilia (singular,cilium), with an organization similar to the 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules, can still be 
found within them. Cilia are short cellular projections that are often 
organized in rows. They are more numerous than flagella on the cell 
surface but have the same internal structure. Often the beating of 
rows of cilia moves water over the tissue surface (see figures).

Flagella and Cilia: a. A green alga with 
numerous flagella that allow it to move through the water. 
b. Paramecia are covered with many cilia, which beat in unison 
to move the cell. The cilia can also be used to move fluid into the 

paramecium’s mouth to ingest material.

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